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Mind Eraser - Darien Lake (NY)

Date Ridden: Summer of 2008. Times Ridden: 1

Ouch. If only this coaster lived up to its name, this could possibly be a more positive review. As it is, despite being featured on the Travel Channel with coaster guru Paul Reuben, this is one of my least favorite adult coasters. There are a number of these Vekoma suspended looping coasters and one of them rank very highly. They are simply torture devices that a rider has to fight to survive without a headache for the rest of the day.

Many coasters, including the highly ranked Maverick and Storm Runner offer a couple of incidences of head banging/neck chopping due to the restraint system. This is not due to roughness or poor coaster design. The rides are simply intense and feature restraints that are necessary for the elements the coaster was designed with. Normally in these cases, the rider can prepare for these elements and virtually eliminate the uncomfortable issues with different riding styles or techniques.

However, on Mind Eraser one gets the Pinball Bang in which one's head is continuously bounced from one side of the restraint to the next. It is among the most painful things a coaster rider can endure and is prevalent on virtually all of these Vekoma coasters I have ridden.

This ride does offer a great first drop, particularly from the front row, but the back-to-back corkscrews and other inversions are absolutely horrid. I have found the best chance one has to hold your head all the way to one side of the restraint and try to keep it there the entire ride. It is tough on the neck but is still better than being bounced back and forth.

I would recommend one ride only on Mind Eraser. Any more than that would border on insanity. Of course most people consider coaster enthusiasts crazy anyway.

Overall Rating - 4

Ride Mind Eraser below.

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