Date Ridden: Every summer since 2006. Times Ridden: 5
Blue Streak is pretty much the best woodie Cedar Point has to offer. It is a quaint, old out-and-back design that really only has one problem: the restraints. In the cars, it is still possible to see where the original one position buzz bars were located, but now they are gone with individual lap bars and seat belts installed. To me personally, this always causes problems with the trains.
To begin with, the cars were not designed to use the new restraints. The intent of the original ride was to give the rider that out of control feeling one gets on all of the great seaside woodies from years ago. The lap bars on Blue Streak are especially uncomfortable almost ruining the entire experience. I am not a large person (under 6 feet tall and around 165 pounds) but I feel crowded in the Blue Streak trains.
Other than this one problem, the coaster design itself is above average. The ride is not rough, the out-and-back layout is fun with pops of air on both the trip out and the trip back. The scenery is nice with a good view of Lake Erie. The coaster itself could just be so much fun set among all of the steel materpieces Cedar Point offers if only it had been left as it was originally intended to be: with buzz bar restraints and an out of control feeling. What could have been a top ranked wooden coaster is now merely average. I will continue to ride Blue Streak on each return trip to the Coaster Capitol. Howver, I will also continue to rue the day that Cedar Fair neutered their best woodie.
Overall Score - 7
Ride Blue Streak below.
Is this the first comment on the site?
Well anyway, I'm a young kid, not out of middle school, and i'm also terrified of anything higher than LNM@BGE. Well, that probably explains why, out of 12 coaster this is my favorite.
Airtime. This is my first and so far only wooden coaster. Or any airtime coaster for that matter. I'm skinny and have a lot of play between me and the lap bar. Result-
air on every hill except the 4th. And that has no air because of its hieght.
I knew the coaster was once an ACE coaster classic. Then the status was revoked. But I had no idea it was that obvious. I thought new trains or something, but no. I could point out every feature that made it non-coaster classic material.
Even with the seat dividers, individual lap bars, and air brakes, this is still an awesome woodie.
P.S. Aviod the back. it is pretty rough.
Thanks for the comment and welcome to the site!!! I think you gave an excellent account of Blue Streak. I look forward to more of your comments.
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