Date Ridden: January of 2007 and 2008. Times Ridden: 4
Ok, I admit it. I love gimmick coasters. There..I said it and I feel better. I love Top Thrill Dragster and Xcelerator (launched coasters that shoot you out instead of using a lift hill), Dueling Dragons (two seperate coasters that "collide" at certain points), and now Sheikra and its counterpart Griffon at Busch Gardens Europe located in Virginia. These two coasters are known as "Dive Machines". Watch the video below and you will understand why.
When visiting theme parks I prefer coaster rides to anything else there (except maybe the potato patch fries in Kennywood and the Skooter Bumper Cars at Knoebels). My favorites are obviously the wooden coasters with airtime and laterals. But I also enjoy the "thrill" rides that are present at each park. Sheikra fits into that latter category. It is an unbelievable thrill ride/
Sheikra scores in the 9 range because its gimmick (90 degree 200 foot drop) is totally insane. Who cares about the rest of the ride after that drop which takes your breath away? The ride has other redeeming qualities such as the drop off the mid-course brakes and the Immelman inversion (named after a WWII fighter pilot maneuver) but this ride is all about the first drop.
I have been privileged to ride this thing with the floor and without and can say that I prefer it floorless. And keep in mind, regardless of what the ride ops say, the front row is still the best. You are not riding Sheikra for airtime or laterals, you are riding for the view and the best view by far is up front. When riding make sure you get a front seat, pererably on one of the ends. Those seats make for a much better experience.
Also keep in mind, that Sheikra is the most popular coaster in the park. Montu is a much better coaster and is only a 10-15 minute wait while you may be waiting 30-45 minutes (or even longer) for Sheikra due to its being the newest ride in the park.
Sheikra is a wonderful experience that will leave you breathless the first time you get on it and hang over the edge waiting to drop. Its all about the dive!!
Overall Score - 9 (Unique)
Ride Shiekra below.
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