Date Ridden: Summer of 2006 and Fall of 2007. Times Ridden: 10
The Voyage is a wooden coaster with steel supports desgined by a coaster company known as the Gravity Group. It consists of over 1 mile of track, a number of 90 degree banked turns, 8 tunnels, a fly-through station element (where the train roars through the area where patrons are standing in line......at a safe distance of course) and features a triple-down element (three consective small drops which produce massive airtime) in total darkness. Oh yeah, it's also the greatest coaster in the world.
In looking at the Coaster Reviews Top 20 you may wonder why if this coaster is so great it ranks 3rd. Why not 1st? Well, if you read my reviews of Millennium Force and the Coney Island Cyclone posted back in July, you will understand why. However, as far as rides go, the Voyage is the best there is. It is fast, smooth, intense and fun which is everything a great coaster should be. In its opening year, it won the Golden Ticket Award for Best New Coaster in 2006. It also placed # 2 overall, behind only Dollywood's Thunderhead, in the Best Wooden Coaster category. In 2007, it supplanted Thunderhead as the Best Wooden Coaster on the Planet. I fully expect the awards to continue to pile in for this monster in the middle of Indiana.
Unfortunately, the Voyage has had a few problems during its 3 years of operation. After its first year, a large portion of track had to be replaced because the intense nature of the ride was causing significant deterioration leading to a very rough ride experience. For a while, the train would come to complete stop in the center of the course at the brake run before picking up the speed needed to complete the course. According to sources, this problem has been solved and the ride is running in its full glory this year.
The video below is straight from the Holiday World web site and gives a great view with minimal shaking from the mounted camera.
Overall Score - 10 (Best Ride in the World).
Ride The Voyage.
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