Date Ridden: Summer of 2008. Times Ridden: 2 (Very back car and 2nd to back...we had no choice in where we sat as the ride ops placed each pair of riders in a stall).
There seems to be a war of sorts and it will be decided this September. I will take a moment to expain.
Back in 2006 when I first began riding coasters on an obsessive basis, the Gravity Group designed and built the Voyage, a landmark coaster that has ascended to the throne as the Top Wooden Coaster in the World according to many enthusiasts. In 2007, Intamin, king of the steel (and some would say wood as well....El Toro anyone?), coasters built Maverick, a technological marvel which continues to climb the lists of great steel coasters and tops many lists of well-respected critics. Alas, Maverick won the Best New Coaster Award when the Golden Tickets were announced much like the Voyage did the year before.
Now in 2008, the contest has begun. The Gravity Group completed the great Ravine Flyer II while Intamin has answered with their newest creation, Fahrenheit. Fahrenheit contains a number of unique elements including the 90 degree vertical ascent, the steeper than vertical drop, and a number of unique inversions amidst its twisted lay-out.
Let it be known, I respect coaster designers who try something unique. Intamin has really stepped out of the box with some of its latest creations and for that reason they rank at the top of my favorite coaster designers. Many enthusiasts prefer B and M, but each ride they have built seems to be a virtual clone (not in design but in similar elements) as the one previously built. The hyper coasters offer similar layouts with virtually identical forces and I expect the new hyper at King's Island to be the same despite the "water element". Intamin is constantly pushing the limits and trying different ideas. Does it work for them?
Yes it does but unfortunately they do not win the Best New Ride Golden Ticket this year. Fahrenheit ranks 2nd above Behemoth and Led Zeppelin (I have not ridden the new Evel Knievel wooden coaster) but well behind Ravine Flyer II. Farenheit is a superb ride with great elements and a unique lift hill but it falls slightly short this year. There is nothing wrong with 2nd place, Intamin coaster builders. Keep thinking outside the box and giving us great rides!! Fahrenheit definitely is!!
Overall Score - 9
Ride Fahrenhiet below.
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