Date Ridden: January of 2007 and 2008. Times Ridden: 5 with once in the front, once in the back, and three times toward the middle/back portion of the train.
With the release of the new Hulk movie, I think it fitting to give this ride its review.
Living here in the Peach State of Georgia, coaster season closes in late October and starts back up in May. However, thanks to Orlando, I can get my coaster fix on each MLK weekend with a trip down to sunny Florida. I won't mention the humidity and spoil it for you.
IOA is one of our destinations each year with Hulk being the first ride we normally jump on in cartoon oriented Super-Hero Land. I, like most other enthusiasts, feel that B and M hit one out of the park with the creation of this green machine. However, I may be able to defend this ride from a different view point......that of the B and M computer geek designer. Read on as I sneak a peek inside his head.......
Computer Geek thinking aloud... "Ok, the Hulk is this gigantic green monster that is really intense. He jumps high, is strong, and can run really fast. But wait a minute....to start with he is this wormy-looking little geek scientist (hmmmm.....me?) until he gets angry. So, the ride should start off slow and then just go berserk when the geeky white dude turns big and green. Can we do that? Yep, we just need some tires and a propulsion system that shuts down half the power in Orlando when it launches."
Coaster Designer Geek continues to think...."OK, the insane launch out of the tunnel into the inversion....the dive into the mist....and the huge cobra roll. All that seems to be symbolic of the Hulks' anger. Now, what happens after he gets mad? Why, he calms down of course! So after the mid-course brakes we can design this ride as a snooze-fest symbolizing the return of the giant green guy into the geeky scientist once again."
End of Coaster Designer Geeks' thoughts.
In all seriousness, I like Hulk and give it a solid 9. It is a gorgeous attraction that is visible from anywhere in the park. I personally like the back of the train a little better since it seems the launch is longer so I would recommend riding there if possible. Also, the technology used for the launch still amazes me. I can't help but think of all those rotating Goodyears beneath the track each time I ride.
In summary, Hulk is a great coaster worthy of its top 20 ranking in many steel coaster polls. I personally like the Dueling Dragons better, but IOA does indeed have a solid trio of 9's making it a coaster lovers paradise.
Overall Score - 9
Morph into the Hulk below.
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