Date Ridden: Summer of 2008. Times Ridden: 2 with once in the back and once in the front.
Twister is a great example of a wonderful ride overshadowed by another more famous ride at Knoebels. And while Phoenix is worth of a 10 and solidly located in my Top 10, Twister is a great ride as well.....just stay toward the front of the train.
Our first ride was in the back and it was surprisingly rough. The intensity level was high, but there were enough rough patches on the course to make the car uncomfortable in a bad way. On a good wooden coaster, one is prepared to be bashed back and forth a little. However, our first ride, while not horrible, was much less than expected. After a few laps on Phoenix, Guy and myself went back to Twister and waited a little extra time on the front. That made all the difference.
Our front seat ride was a solid 10. The coaster offers a number of unique elements including two lift hills going in opposite directions taking the train to its highest point. The drops were smooth, the laterals fun and quick, and the airtime solid. There were no uncomfortable portions of the ride. Even with our 18 laps on the Phoenix, this was possibly one of our best rides of the day.
When visiting Knoebels, do not forget to hunt down Twister. It is located in the back area of the park and is very much overshadowed by its more famous counterpart. However, it is a wonderful ride not to be missed, as long as you ride in the front part of the train.
Overall Score - 9
Ride Twister below.
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